Probe committee to investigate murder of Haque arrives in Saptari

Saptari, May 22 – A probe committee formed by the government to carryout investigation into the murder of Sadrul Miyan Haque, member of the dissolved Constituent Assembly (CA) has arrived in the incident site on Wednesday morning.

Deputy Inspector General of Police, Dinkar Shamsher Rana is the coordinator of the team whereas Chief of the Eastern Regional Police Office and Eastern Regional Chief of the Investigation Office are members. The team has arrived in Kalyanpur-2 of the district.

Chief District Officer of Saptari, Hari Krishna Poudel, said that the team would start works today itself.

The body of the former lawmaker Haque has been taken to BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS), Dharan, on Tuesday night for postmortem.

Meanwhile, the traffic obstruction along the East-West Highway started from Tuesday morning has been continued today as well.

Protesters have been halting traffic by felling trees at different places in Saptari.More than 1,000 vehicles have been stranded due to the continuous traffic halt for the past 24 hours.

The protesters have closed the markets in Rajbiraj today also.

A trained police dog brought from Dharan for the investigation had on Tuesday found a shirt stained with blood, a diary and slippers from 300 meters northern of the incident site.

Former lawmaker Haque was hacked to death on Monday night by an unidentified group at his petrol pump premises in Kalyanpur of Saptari.

Identity of those involved in the incident is yet to be ascertained and the cause behind the incident is not known yet, said the District Police Chief, SP Sanjay Singh Basnet.

The protesters said that they would continue protest programmes including chakkajam until the accused in the murder are arrested.