Bhaktapur under a grip of leopard

Bhaktapur, May 22 – Sirutar village in Bhaktapur district is under a grip of leopard terror these days. Locals are facing problem going about their daily activities especially in the early morning and late evening due to the fear of attack by leopard. Farmers are panicky working out in the fields during the daytime also.


This situation has arisen after a pair of leopard that entered the village nearly a week ago started killing dogs, and calves almost daily.


It is said that the leopards pay an unwelcome door-to-door visit at houses at night, looking for prey. This has alarmed the locals and they have started searching for the wild beasts in groups. The leopards started roaming the village at night after locals in the adjoining Tikathali village last week killed a leopard that entered a house there.RSS