Four-party mechanism be dissolved: Thapa

Butwal, May 20 –  Chairman of the Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP)-Nepal, Kamal Thapa, has said that the political mechanism of the four major political parties should be dissolved to hold free and fair election to the Constituent Assembly (CA).

Stating that the government formed to hold election looks like a shadow of the syndicate of four major political parties instead of being able to work independently, Thapa demanded that the mechanism be dissolved as there would be no equal treatment of parities while going to election in the current situation.

At an interaction organised by the Reporters´ Club Nepal Western Regional Committee here today, he expressed suspicion that the CA election could not be hold by November as the government formed with an objective of holding election failed to do any meaningful and concrete works for the election.

Thapa said the government has been engaged in trifle things rather than declaring the date for the election.

The RPP-Nepal Chairman expressed objection to the appointments at constitutional bodies in a disputable manner by the government.