BOAN faces loss of 29 Lakhs rupees

Kathmandu, May 19–  Bank of Asia Nepal (BOAN) which had a profit of Rupees 12 crore 4 lakhs till fiscal year Chaitra, has faced loss by 29 lakhs rupees within this three months.

The bank has faced loss due to inability  to separate a large volume of  money for loss managemanet.


Bank of asia has been trying to merge with NIC bank. According to bank source, Bank has faced loss after its inability to collect loans provided to real state sector and crosser industry.


However, Civil Bank Nepal limited has earned profit of 8 crore and 43 lakhs rupees. Bank has earned 67 lakhs rupees on Chaitra. Civil bank has already issued Common share and has decided to provide dividend of 5%. Civil  has per share income of 7.66 rupees.