CA election will be held at any cost ; Deuba

Kanchanpur, May 19 – Senior leader of the Nepali Congress and former Prime Minister, Sher Bahadur Deuba, has said that he is confident that the election to the Constituent Assembly (CA) would be held at any cost.


Speaking at a news conference organised by the Nepal Press Union, Kanchanpur, at Mahendranagar today, Deuba mentioned that CA election would be held at any cost by holding talks with the agitating 33-political parties.


He said 33-political parties will participate in the CA election after the talks.


The former Prime Minister expressed the view that the election would be held as it was necessary to take mandate of the people for drafting constitution.


Deuba claimed that constitution of the people will be promulgated only if the Nepali Congress is victorious in the election.


He also said federalism was necessary for the proper development of the country.


The NC leader said there will be speedy development of Seti and Mahakali zones of the far-west region if one province was formed by merging them.


He expressed the view that the province could be rich by selling electricity in the country as there are many rivers and rivulets, which could generate 34 per cent electricity of the country in the far-west.


Deuba said that the state should give special rights to Tharu Community and other backward communities.


He assured of taking initiative on his behalf for upgrading the roads in Kanchanpur.


Stating that initiative will be taken to make the Chhela area of Daiji as industrial district, the NC leader expressed the view that the state should provide special facilities to the industries to be established in the far-western region. RSS