33 parties picket CIAA

Kathmandu, May 14 –  The agitating 33 political parties including the CPN-Maoist picketed the office of the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) for two hours on Tuesday morning, protesting the appointment of Lokman Singh Karki to the post of CIAA Chief.

The political parties picketed the CIAA from 9:00 am, saying Karki´s appointment to the post was unconstitutional. Traffic was halted at the area due to the protest program.

The 33 political parties have continued the agitation demanding that the 11-point agreement reached between three major political parties and the United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF) on April 13 and the 25-point ordinance related to removing obstacles removing constitutional obstacles for the CA election be scrapped.

The 33 political parties have put a condition that they will participate in the next election to the Constituent Assembly (CA) only after the agreement reached between three major political parties and UDMF was scrapped.