Rato machhindranath festival begins in lalitpur

Kathmandu May 13 – The Rato Machhindranath, festival has begun in Lalitpur on Monday. Th is the most longest festivals Begins on the full moon day of Baisakh with several days of ceremonies and the fabrication of a wooden-wheeled chariot at Pulchowk, near the Ashoka Stupa.


People of eight localities in Patan—Natol, Gabahal, Mekhabahal, Kusunti, Kayanni, Walmaya, Dhaugol and Sachhi Chhe—usually lead the Machhindranath chariot procession.


On Monday, the chariot is pulled from Pulchowk to Gabahal, from where it is taken to Mangalbazar and other surrounding areas.



Legends associated with the Machindranath Jatra celebration have it that the procession once rescued Kathmandu Valley of severe drought. It is believed that the Lichhavi King Narendra Dev brought the idol of Rato Machhindranath from Assam in India to rid his country of the drought.


The month-long procession, which will conclude after the chariot crosses the river Bungamati in Lalitpur, ends with another festival called the Bhoto Jatra. Bhot Jatra is symbolically celebrated to find the owner of a vest gifted to a farmer of Lalitpur by a serpent.