Everest earns profit of 1 lakhs

Kathmandu, April 24 – Everest bank limited has earned the Everest of 1 arab and 3 crore rupees. The profit is more by 31.52% than comparision to the profit of the last year chaitra. The profit of the bank during last year was 78 crore 64 lakhs Rupees.


Bank had earned 1 arab  9 crore rupees of profit in last Fiscal year. It had distributed 30%bonus share of last year. After deducting the bonus share, paid up capital of bank has reached to 1 arba 76 crore rupees.



The deposit of bank is 51 arba 29 crore rupees. The gross income of bank till the month of chaitra was 1 arba 90 crore rupees and it has invested about 41 arba 85 crore rupees.according to bank the bad debt is being increasing. It has reached to 70%from 49%.