Bird flu tracking mission in Chitwan

Chitwan,April 4 – A team of technicians is on a bird flu tracking mission at the different poultry firms here in the wake of the discovery of the disease at a farm.

The tracking campaign with special surveillance has been undertaken in the area lying within three kilometers radius from the poultry firm where the H5N1 virus was found, said Bodhnath Adhikari, a veterinarian at the Bird Disease Research Centre, Chitwan.

According to him, the campaign that began today will run for a week and other poultry farms in the district would also be monitored for preventing the spread of bird flu .

Chitawan is the country´s largest producer of poultry products and feed, hence the stepped up vigilance here, Adhikari said. He added that the poultry farms have to be monitored at least for 45 days to confirm the disease does not exist.

Chicken at the Milan Poultry Firm at Gauriganj, Bharatpur-8 were found infected with H5N1 virus a few days back. All the infected chicken at this firm were culled. RSS