Holi festival in hilly region today

Susma Bhatta
Kathmandu,March 26 – Nepali people are celebrating holi festival in hilly region today.
According to hindu religious belief, Holi festival is celebrated for sharing the happiness for the victory of truth.As per the Hindu mythology there was a Danavi king – Hiranyakashyapu who wanted to burn his own son(Bhakta Prahalad –a great devotees of lord bishnu) in the fire by making him sit on Holikas lap.Though Holika was gifted with the blessing she will never be attacked by fire but her unethical thought to Bhakta Prahalad led her caught in fire in the “yagya “ without any harm to Prahalad .Thereafter hindu people started celebrating the death of holika beliving it as a great victory against danavs .
Holi is celebrated with various colours in a group of people sharing their happiness and joy with each other.The terai region people will celebrate Holi on tommorrow.

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