Shuklaphanta Municipality starts collecting data on returnee migrant workers

KANCHANPUR, NOVEMBER 26:The Shuklaphanta Municipality has started collecting data on the returnee migrant workers with the aim of imparting employment-centric training to them.  The Employment Division of the municipality is collecting in order to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills so that they can enjoy income opportunities in their own country.

“For collecting statistics on the returnees, the municipality has already issued circulars to all its 12 ward offices,” divulges Krishna Raj Bhatta, the chief of the division.

“After gathering the required data, the Foreign Employment Board under the Ministry of Laour, employment and Social Security is expected to determine a modality for the proposed skill-based training programs. The modality will be based on various factors like the professional capacity/experiences of trainees, demands of the market, etc.”

According to him, there are also plans to provide technical and managerial support to the trainees to commence their own enterprises following the training.