Embassy of India interacts with Glocal’s 20 under 20

Kathmandu, August 24. Glocal Pvt. Ltd has announced the names of Top Six Finalists for the seventh edition of Glocal Teen Hero Nepal 2021. With the motive to provide a learning opportunity, foster networking’s and boost personal growth; Glocal Pvt. Ltd is organizing a “Online Self-Competency Workshop” for the 20 under 20 & Finalists of Glocal Teen Hero, 2021.

Today, the selected teenagers got an opportunity to interact with Mrs. Namgya C. Kampa, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of India. They introduced and shared about their initiation and works they have been doing for the betterment of their society.

Mrs. Kampa shared about the contribution of youth in bringing positive change in the society. She said that Youth have a role to renew and refresh the current status of our society including leadership, innovations, skills etc. Youth are expected to advance the technology, as it is developed as the new currency of power.

They are the agents of change. She also shared that youths should possess quality of confidence, strength & resilience above all, and the most crucial aspect is belief that makes a lot of difference.

The teenagers put forward their questions, which were answered, and she urged the teenagers to invest their networking & relationships as an opportunity. She also said that Embassy of India works on strengthening bilateral relationship between Nepal & India, and they have been providing several opportunities to youths in Nepal in terms of exchange program, scholarships and opportunity sharing.

Glocal is truly delighted to collaborate with Embassy of India for the Glocal Teen Hero project.