Oli dissolved the Parliament

Kathmanmdu, Dec 20 . Nepal has been spiraling into political tempest with the Prime Minister dissolved the Parliament. Fraught with the intra party feud, Prime Minister Oli has ultimately the dissolved the house of representative on Sunday. The President, Bidya Devi Bhandari has declared the election of house of representative on 17th and 27th of Baisakh 2078 of the first phase and second phase respectively.

Convening the emergency cabinet meeting, he has vindicated the speculation of many political pandits. With the development of harsh intra -party power struggle between the two Chairman’s, political analysits had already suspected the looming day in last few months.

According to the CPN party sources, Oli hadlost the confidence majority in the parliamentRather than facing the decision of central committee meeting, which supposedly was set to take stern decision against him he has chosen dissolve the parliament.

Soon after his decision, main opposition party Nepali Congress has opposed the move. Also prominent legal and political expert has called the move as an ‘unconstitutional’.

With his sudden move, Oli has jolted the Nepali politics into ambiguous situation once again.