Over 5,400 hectares of land in Kailali, Kanchanpur gets irrigation facility

GODAVARI (KAILALI), FEBRUARY 2: Irrigation facility is available on around 5,487 hectares of land throughout the year in Kailali and Kanchanpur districts through deep and shallow tubewell. According to the Groundwater Resources and Irrigation Division Development Office, the irrigation facility has provided to 5,487 hectares of land so far after the federal structure.

Division Chief Shrawan Khanal said a total of 140 deep tube- wells were installed in Kailai, Kanchanpur and Dadeldhura after the establishment of provinces. Out of the installed deep tubewells, 91 are in operation while other structures are in the course of construction. Deep and Shallow tube wells have been installed to provide irrigation facilities at the farm of the farmers in all 12 months.

Khanal added that 1,001 shallow tubewells were installed in the Kailali and Kanchanpur districts till the last fiscal year and the budget has not been allocated in the current fiscal year to install shallow tubewells. The Division Office did not allocate a budget to install the shallow tubewell as the responsibility was handed over to the local –level to install shallow tubewell, it is said. He mentioned that a Rs 1.2 million budget was given to the local level under fiscal transfer to install shallow tubewell.