‘Per capita income to double in five years’

Kathmandu, May 21. The government has set a target of graduating the country to the status of middle income within coming 10 years.

Presenting the government’s annual polcies and programmes for the fiscal year 2075-76 BS at a joint meeting of the parliament today, President Bidya Devi Bhandari said the country would emphatically execute policies an programmes in a way to achieve the target of enhancing two-digit economic growth.

Noting that the per capital income of the people would be made double within five years and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) would be attained, President Bhandari said the agriculture, energy, industry and tourism would be advanced to catalyze economic development.

The government’s policy and programme has emphasized on advancing collaboration among the government, private sector and cooperative as a major foundation of development, developing main cities as green cities, preserving bio-diversity and river banks, making President Chure Conservation Programme effective and providing pure drinking water.

Among other priorities reflected in the policy and programme include providing 24-hour electricity services for industrial and house use purpose, expansion of transmission line, construction of Mid-Hill Highway, Terai-Kathmandu fast-track and Madfan Bhandari Highway within five years.

The government also has put in priority the construction of Rasuwagadhi-Kathmandu-Pokhara-Lumbini train route.

Expansion and development of information highway to all local levels and distribution of national ID to all citizens have been featured as important programme for next fiscal year.