NRB’s Household Survey: Poor’s expenses on food while rich’s on luxury items

According to the data of 5th household Survey by Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB), the expenses pattern of poor Nepalese household and rich Nepalese household differs to far extend. Poor tends to spend most part of their money on food items whereas rich spends on luxury items and services.

The survey, divided into five categories, has surveyed on expenses pattern of different class Nepalese household on various types of product and services.

As per the survey data, Poor spend about 20% of their money on food and 56.84 % of their money on Alcoholic material while upper class rich spend 20% of their money on food and 32.86 % of money on alcoholic material.

Likewise, poor expend more on food, non-alcoholic drinks, alcoholic drinks, tobacco material and housing. On the other hand, rich expend more on various services and goods other than food, drinks, and housing.