Strong foundation for alternative political force: Naya Shakti

Kathmandu, Nov 1 . Naya Shakti Party Nepal has concluded that a strong foundation has been built for the formation of a revolutionary-democratic party in search for an alternative force, with people becoming disenchanted with the Nepali Congress and the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN).

The political report tabled by the party’s coordinator Dr Baburam Bhattarai in the 15th federal council meeting that began in the capital on Wednesday states that the Naya Shakti Party would lead Nepal’s prosperity through economic revolution with inclusion, proportional representation and participation. “It is being proved day after day that the path chosen by the Naya Shakti Party is right,” reads the report.

Any further delay in the formation of a decisive political force would waste more decades Nepal and would continue to be known as a poor, weak, corrupt and bad-governed country in the world. The meeting that would run until Thursday will hold discussion on the report presented by Dr Bhattarai.

Also, concrete discussion will be held on the contemporary political situation, party’s general convention and the strategy to be adopted by the party, according to publicity chief Biswadeep Pandey. Some 150 leaders and cadres are taking part in the meeting.