Tourism development thru sports, Minister Adhikari says

Pokhara, Oct. 28 . Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Rabindra Adhikari has said that sport tournaments have contributed a lot for the development of tourism in the country.

Inaugurating the Fifth Open Seven-A Side Football Competition in Pokhara Metropolitan City-20, Bhalam on Saturday, Minister Adhikari said that all three layers of government should be responsible for the overall development of sports.

On the occasion, Minister Adhikari said that the Pokhara Regional International Airport would come into operation in time after its timely completion of the construction works adding that it would support hugely for the tourism development of this region.

The winner of the tournament would collect Rs 101,000 in cash while the first runner up would get Rs 55,555 in cash. A total of 41 teams from Pokhara and nearby areas are taking part in the tournament that lasts till November 3.

Meanwhile, Minister Adhikari attended a greetings exchange programme at Bharatpokhari in Pokhara-33 organized on the occasion of major festivals.