Foreigners receive Bhaitika from Nepali brothers and sisters in Pokhara

Kaski, Nov 10 .  Tourists from various countries visiting Pokhara today participated in the Bhaitika programme observed on the last day of five-day festival Tihar.

The Bhaitika programme organized by the Western Hotel Association saw the foreigners receiving tika from Nepali sisters and brothers and celebrating the brother-sister relation.
The Association has been organizing Bhaitika every year at Lakeside in Pokhara since 12 years with an objective to foster brotherhood and promote Nepali culture and traditions abroad.

Association’s Pokhara Chapter President Bikal Tulachan shared that altogether 60 tourists from 10 countries received tika from Nepali sisters on the occasion.

One among them was German national Marick who expressed his joy and shared, “It is a very memorable moment for me. The tika, garland and the topi looks good on me!”
Similarly, Israeli national Nepchen gushed,” I am elated beyond words to receive tika from Nepali sisters who are from a culturally rich country like Nepal.”

Likewise, Dutch national Hilltegy Van Mikarin said that the Bhaitika ceremony has brought her further closer to Nepal. This is her fourth time receiving tika from Nepali brother.
A cultural programme was also organized to add fervor to the celebration.