Arniko International SS Provides quality IT education

Kathmandu, August 29. Arniko International SS & College to position itself as the only IT-focused school & college in Nepal. Arniko Int’l SS & College has signed MoUs with four prominent national & international IT Companies in a grand ceremony held at the college premises today. The MOU aims at providing quality IT education to the students of higher secondary level, aiming to produce market-ready IT manpower in Nepal.

With the ever-growing demand for IT services and digitization, there is a huge scarcity of skilled manpower in the global IT industry. Many companies in Nepal and abroad are facing scantiness of skilled manpower and to cope with the demand of the future, they have started planning and providing work transferrable IT skills to the higher secondary level students. In this regard, Treeleaf Technologies, Krafters Technology, AUXFIN, and BIT Iconic have signed an agreement with Arniko Int’l SS & College to incorporate rigorous IT Skills in its academia, so as to prepare the students for the need of the future.

Arniko Int’l SS & College, which is celebrating its 49th year of establishment has positioned itself as the one of a kind in Nepal in blending IT Skills at the school & college level; will now be able to spread its wings towards turning its Tech Savvy students to market-ready sellable skilled manpower. The MoU includes several clauses benefitting the students pursuing the +2 level. Some of the highlights are:

Introduction of rigorous IT skills (programming, designing, technical writing, AI, IoT & problem-solving skills) as part of the curriculum, Short term and long-term training programs on Industry specialized technologies. Career counseling in IT fields, Strengthening of Arniko Research Lab and Arniko Club, Technological, expert, and economic sponsorship for the club programs.

Providing opportunities to Students of Arniko for an internship, on-the-job training & placements, Arniko’s Staff professional development in the IT domain, Sharing or creating of educational materials and resources, and Providing a pool of professional ICT manpower to the partner companies.

The program was formally welcomed by the Vice President of Arniko, Mr. Ramesh Parajuli. Welcoming the guests and the attendees, he elaborated on the values that the IT partners will bring in its approach to IT education thus providing an opportunity for its students to understand the market needs and prepare themselves accordingly. The program was also addressed by the representatives of the IT partners. Mr. Ashok Kumar Pant, the CTO of Treeleaf Technologies, emphasized the need for the program to improve the quality of the Nepalese IT sector in the global IT diaspora. Similarly Er. Sabin Maharjan, country manager of AUXIN expressed his concern about the shortage of quality IT manpower in the market.

Mr. Bikash Maharjan, CEO of Krafters Technology, wished that the program will bring a positive impact on the IT sector of the country. Ms, Binita Thakur, CTO of BIT Iconic Pvt Ltd, shared her thoughts on how Nepal can be benefited from such an academic-technology partnership. The program was concluded with a vote of thanks by Principal Mr. Sudarsan Nepal. The principal expressed his gratitude toward the partners. He insisted on closer collaboration between the college and the partner organizations.

Such collaboration between industry and academia has been seen in recent days but only on the graduate and undergraduate education levels. Arniko Int’l SS & College has started a farsighted step that it hopes will become a revolutionary step in uplifting the IT industry of the country. Such collaboration at a higher secondary level between academia and industry is a milestone in starting a ripple of movements in the overall IT education of Nepal.