
Black listed Nepalese Airlines

The recently published 'EU air safety list', updated by European Commission, still has 18 Nepalese Airlines in the list. Nepalese Airlines were banned for...

TYRE that powers your electric car as you drive

World renowned Goodyear company has unveiled Concept BH03 tyre at the Geneva International Motor Showthat could spell the end of charging stations, and ultimately...

Adobe updates Flash amid exploit fears

December 30- US software maker Adobe on Monday released security updates for its Flash video player amid ongoing concerns about security holes that could...

The computer virus that blackmails you

BBC December 15- Ransomware is the fastest growing form of computer malware, experts warn. It's a malicious virus that locks the user out of...

Samsung to pay Apple$548 million in lengthy patent case

San Francisco, December 6- Samsung has agreed to pay smartphone rival Apple just over $548 million in a years-long patent battle in federal court...

When will the world wake up to the potential of poo power?

A simple machine can convert human waste to electricity and fertilisers. It is time to rethink how we treat this valuable resource. Vietnamese rice farmers...

Scientists found Ocean beyond Earth

NASA October 28The Cassini probe is all set to make a daring close flyby of Enceladus, an  ice-rich moon of Saturn. The Nasa craft...

20 ways to make your Chrome browser so much better

The Web can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Here are 20 of the most useful Chrome extensions to make browsing better. The...

3 Big technical errors in USA today

USA,July-9 Failurestook down United Airlines, the Wall Street Journal's website and even halted the New York Stock Exchange. But it's too early to blame hackers. CNN...

Google with free internet worldwide

New York, June-28 One of the largest Internet service providers Google has decided to provide free Wi-Fi Internet worldwide. This ambitious plan will begin...

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