‘Dhan Bristi of LIC’ Nepal done historic performance

Kathmandu, April 17 . Newly released plan Dhan Bristi of LIC Nepal has done historic performance on the initial day itself.

The company could sell 5122 policies and thus bringing NRS 8.5 crores premium on the first day. The company had set itself a target of 5000 which had never been achieved by any product. 746 agents across Nepal had sold the new product on the first day itself. Incidentally the plan was launched by Shri Chiranjibi Chapagain, Chairman Insurance Board Beema Samiti in recent past.

Mr. Laxmi Prasad Das, CEO congratulated all employees, agents and policyholders who have purchased this product. Mr. Das also expressed his desire that in the coming days many such policies shall be sold. In a celebratory function at Kathmandu Corporate Office, Shri Abhijit Ghosh Dastidar, Dy. CEO said that this product is uniquely suitable for Nepal market and surely will find greater acceptance in the coming days also.

What is Dhan Bristi Plan: It is a Cash Back plan where part of Sum Assured is paid back once every three years. The plan has two terms, 10 Years and 15 Years. Though money is paid back in between, the life risk coverage does not reduce and Bonus is also calculated on full Sum Assured. Persons in age group 10 to 60 years can opt for this plan.