Earlier this year, Disney fired 7000 employees.

Agency, April 26. America’s legendary mass media and entertainment company Walt Disney has started the second round of layoffs. About 4000 employees will lose their jobs in this round of layoffs. Earlier this year, Disney fired 7000 employees.

The company has told that this retrenchment of the second round will be completed by Thursday (April 27). Employees from different divisions, including Disney Entertainment, ESPN, Disney Parks, Experiences and Products, will be laid off in this round. At the same time, employees of the Metaverse Strategy Unit and the Beijing office were affected in the first round.

Disney Entertainment co-chairmen Alan Bergman and Dana Walden said in an internal memo that ‘senior leadership is working to improve the company’. It is our endeavor that the company moves on the right path instead of moving fast.

This time is full of ups and downs. In these tough times, we must do what we can to provide the best entertainment content to Disney audiences around the world.

Along with the second round of layoffs, Disney will also restructure the team of employees to work in different units, which will continue for the next few months.

As of October 1, Disney had 2.20 lakh employees in its total global workforce, of which about 1.66 lakh were in the US.