Everest Bank provides relief materials to Flood Victim of Siraha

Kathmandu, July 22. Everest Bank Limited has provided relief materials to flood victim of Siraha District. Everest Bank has been undertaking different welfare activities as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility. The relief materials were distributed to the flood victim of Paterwa, Siraha. The relief materials like Sanitary Pads, Rice, Soyabean, Grams, Salt, Utensils, Tooth Paste and Cloths & School Bags for Children. EBL has always been conscious of its social responsibilities and as a part of its CSR activities, has been organizing various programs for the benefit of the people at large.

Everest Bank has handed over the cheque of Rs. 3 Lacs in presence of CDO of Siraha, MR. Gopal Kumar Adhikari; Superintend of Police, Mr. Uma Pd. Chaturbedi and Superintend of Armed Police Force, Mr. Som Gurung to Media Advocacy group, to support the relief distribution project being conducted by Women Friendly Disaster Management.

EBL presently has Customer Base of over 10 Lacs, one of the highest in the industry. Further, the Bank recently adjudged as best rated bank among commercial banks under CAMELS rating. Presently the Bank is rendering professionalized & efficient banking services through its widest domestic network of 94 branches, 28 Revenue Collection Counters, 120 ATMs and also through its widest global network.