Everest Bank handovers Toilet & Drinking Water to School

Kathmandu, May 17 . Everest Bank handed over Toilet & Drinking Water facility to Mahalaxmi School, Laxmi Bazar, Gorkha. Everest Bank has been helping government & community school in Sanitation & Drinking Water facility with the theme no child should drop out from school in the lack of proper toilet & drinking water.

The Handover was done in precious presence of Mayor Shree Rajan Raj Pant, Ward Chairperson Shree Kul Bahadur Kunwar, DGM-EBL Shree Rajiv Jain and other valued guests. Everest Bank has always focused on customer’s benefit & satisfaction with its theme ‘Service with Smile’.

EBL presently has Customer Base of over 10 Lacs, one of the highest in the industry. Further, the Bank recently adjudged as best rated bank among commercial banks under CAMELS rating. Presently the Bank is rendering professionalized & efficient banking services through its widest domestic network of 94 branches, 28 Revenue Collection Counters, 116 ATMs and also through its widest global network.