Myanmar, Thailand border trade hit 1.4 bln USD in 1st half of FY 

YANGON, March. 10 .  Border trade between Myanmar and Thailand totaled about 1.4 billion U.S. dollars in the first half of fiscal year (FY) 2018-2019 which started in October last year, according to the figures from Myanmar’s Ministry of Commerce Saturday.

The country’s export to neighbouring Thailand reached 985.8 million U.S. dollars while its import shared 412.9 million U.S. dollars

Myanmar carries out border trade with Thailand mainly through Tachilek, Myawady, Kawthoung, Myeik, Hteekhee, Mawtaung and Maese border checkpoints. During the period, Hteekhee border gate topped with most bilateral border trade value of 791.6 million U.S. dollars.

Myanmar exports agricultural and fishery products to neighbouring Thailand and imports cosmetics, food products, machinery and raw industrial goods such as cement and fertilizers.

According to the ministry’s data, the total trade between Myanmar and foreign countries reached over 14.18 billion U.S. dollars, including 4.05 billion U.S. dollars’ border trade during the first half of FY 2018-2019.