Megha Hospital offers 50 % off to people of special class including senior citizens

Lalitpur, March 8 . The Megha Hospital based in Dhobighat-3, Sanepa of Lalitpur has given 50 percent discount in the treatment for senior citizens, persons with physical disabilities, single women, orphans, national players and the mentally challenged.

The patients falling under the above mentioned categories are entitled to the discount facility since a year. According to hospital chair Kishor Jung Rana, recently 17 disabled received the services with discount facility. Of them, the hospital assisted three Rs 300,000 to have artificial legs.

In a period of one year, around 100 patients enjoyed the discount facility. Besides, all people are given 10 percent discount in the purchase of medicines from the hospital-run pharmacy.

As stated by hospital medical doctor, 24 people who were senior citizens, single women and orphans, received all free services on February 22. Those childless senior people with no relatives or persons to financially look after them will be entitled for free services if contacted.

More, the hospital has decided to fix earphone on people with hearing deficiency and transplant artificial hand on amputees free of cost. However, the hospital established five years has not been able to come up eye services, but beginning treatment for cancer soon. Rss