Food security in Nepal’s special priority, Fin Min Dr Khatiwada says

Kathmandu, Nov. 30 . Minister for Finance Dr Yuba Raj Khatiwada has said that the government has highly prioritized the issue of food security to meet the target of sustainable development goals (SDGs).

The Finance Minister also expressed Nepal’s committment to ensure food security and to achieve zero hunger in a few years time.

Addressing the Board Meeting of World Food Programme in Rome, he said, “This meeting is important for Nepal also for the reason that the new five-year Country Strategic Plan of WFP is being approved by the Executive Board.

I am happy to note that the plan has been developed in a highly participatory way, aligning with the national priorities, UNDAF and SDGs. Government of Nepal will work together with WFP to implement it.

According to Dr Khatiwada, Nepal being signatory to 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is implementing SDGs and prioritizing them with a focus on SDG 2 which would be instrumental to achieve several other SDGs including poverty, education and health.

“This prioritization of SDG 2 is supported strongly by our commitment to ensuring human right to adequate food, now constitutionally enshrined through the Right to Food and Food Sovereignty Act 2018 –thereby enshrining Zero Hunger within the constitution,” he said.