ABB hosts “Technology Day” for more than 250 Nepalese companies

kathmandu, NOVember 22. ABB, the 130 year old global pioneering technology leader in power grids, electrification products, industrial automation and robotics and motion hosted the ABB Technology Day for 250 Nepalese companies On wednesday. Companies across industries such asutilities, transport & infrastructure sectorsengaged in a series of workshops with ABB experts, which was also accompanied by an exhibition of latest technology across sectors. In addition to the workshops, roundtable discussions were also held with key companies from the utilities and industry segments.

Nepal is looking at increasing the installed power capacity to 15000 MW by 2027 with more than 10 percent coming from renewable energy sources and also reduce power transmission and distribution losses to 15 percent in the next two to three years. ABB technologies are deployed for communication in more than 80 percent of the eletricity authority‘s power susbtations. As per various reports, Nepal is also planning  to add 10,000 MW of hydro potential over the next decade. ABB has also provided a host of technology solutions and systems for various hydro projects in the country from unified automation systems, digital governors, synchronizers and various other power management solutions in projects like Lower Modi, Panauti, Sankoshi and Puwa Khola.

“ABB’s association with Nepal goes back a long way with instrumental energy projects. We are hosting our first Technology Day for Nepal at a time when this great mountain country is taking a big leap for the next level of growth to improve the lives of its citizens. The attendance of more than 250 companies is testimony that they are eager to know about next level disruptive technologies which can add value to their businesses and innovate new solutions for Nepal,” said Karthik Krishnamurthi, Country Head of Sales and Marketing & Account Management, ABB India. “Be it in clean solar energy, making power transmission more efficient, improving energy access & quality, or reducing carbon emissions and facilitating energy savings in industries, transportation or homes, ABB technologies can be instrumental to partner sustainable growth in this country blessed with multiple natural splendors,” he added.

“Nepal is planning a massive expansion in its hydro power generation in this decade and providing licenses for new solar plants to be set-up for clean power in the country. At such a time, such interactive workshops and discussions provide a great exposure to the next level technologies of digitalization and analytics, which can be deployed to make a strong, reliable and sustainable grid in Nepal,” said Mahesh Mahato, Managing Director, Cosmic Electrical Engineering Associates Private Limited.

Cement and steel production in any country is indicative of the infrastructure project health of a country. According to the Cement Manufacturers’ Association Nepal, the country is aiming to become self- reliant in clinker production in the next one year.  ABB technologies are already deployed by a few of the bigger cement companies in the valley. In order to increase exports, such technologies coupled with enterprise-wide digital initiatives combining plant, people and processes can create greater competitiveness by reducing high production costs for the Nepalese cement sector. Nepal currently has 53 cement companies with annual growth rates varying between 10 to 15 percent, with quite a few of them looking at capacity expansions.

Steel plants in Nepal are operating at capacity utilization rates of around 60 to 65 percent with stable domestic demand with a vision to become self-reliant. ABB’s energy efficient motors and drives likewise can also increase efficiency by more than 15 percent for steel plants helping enhance productivity and reduce energy costs. From control & instrumentation to process control & automation platforms combined with state of art measurement & analytics and blast furnace solutions ensured ABB has added value to the operations of global steel majors in China, Europe and India.

“Modern technologies which enhance productivity while reducing energy consumption and thus environmental impact would be key to making the cement and steel industries of Nepal competitive,” said Sanjay Bansal, Managing Director, Ghorahi Cement Industries Private Limited. “Global best practices using control systems, advanced automation packages with a layer of digitalization integrating people, plant and processed would help manufacturers attain their KPIs and garner greater export opportunities while balancing domestic demand,” he added.

Growth in tourism in the mountain kingdom has also created a major traction in the hospitality sector with more than 6000 room nights added in the year 2016-17. This represents a growth of 9.8 percent. By 2020, the Kathmandu Valley will see an additional 4,000 room nights.  There has been an increase in the number of hotels and lodges registered in key tourist towns. Globally buildings account for almost 40 percent of the total energy use. With the help of modern and compact power technology solutions and intelligent building automation KNX i-bus technology by companies like ABB, one can save more than 25 percent in heating energy and over 40 percent in cooling energy. Reliable power distribution and management solutions also enhance safety of the buildings. This would be especially beneficial to constructions like hospitals and resorts in remote natural locations.

With a robust internet and smart phone penetration, with 1 in 2 persons having internet access, Nepal is poised to leapfrog to digital technology. ABB has provided technology solutions to optimize space, safety, cost and energy savings for the power requirements of datacenters, which will be the mainstay of data, telecom and start-up companies in the valley.

“This is a good opportunity for companies like ours with diversified interests to get a glimpse of the technologies of the future and interact with ABB experts who are at the forefront of developing technology solutions in this era of energy and the fourth industrial revolution,” said Sàjan Sharma, CEO of Citytech. “Uninterrupted and reliable power, coupled with its optimal usage is important to all technology companies to ensure smooth operations. Exposure to such technologies through interactive workshop format would help various companies to better absorb and understand their value propositions for their businesses,” he added.

ABB (ABBN: SIX Swiss Ex) is a pioneering technology leader in power grids, electrification products, industrial automation and robotics and motion, serving customers in utilities, industry and transport& infrastructure globally. Continuing a history of innovation spanning more than 130 years, ABB today is writing the future of industrial digitalization with two clear value propositions: bringing electricity from any power plant to any plug and automating industries from natural resources to finished products. As title partner in ABB Formula E, the fully electric international FIA motorsport class, ABB is pushing the boundaries of e-mobility to contribute to a sustainable future. ABB operates in more than 100 countries with about 147,000