Deadly earthquake topples buildings in Taiwan city of Tainan

BBC Taiwan February 6- An earthquake has toppled buildings in the south Taiwanese city of Tainan, killing at least five people. Rescue teams have been trying to reach people trapped in rubble since the magnitude 6.4 quake struck just before 04:00 (20:00 GMT Friday).

A baby was among the dead when a high-rise residential block collapsed. At least 155 people were injured.President Ma Ying-jeou promised an “all-out effort” to rescue people when he arrived in the city.

Shelters would be set up for those who had lost their homes in the city of two million people, he said.The quake was shallow, meaning its effects would have been amplified, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. There have also been at least five aftershocks.

Although the damage does not appear to widespread, a number of tall buildings have been left leaning precariously. Television pictures showed rescue workers frantically trying to reach people trapped in collapsed buildings, using ladders to climb over piles of rubble.

More than 220 people have been rescued. The earthquake struck as people were getting ready for Chinese New Year.There were also reports of power outages.

Saturday’s quake was felt in the capital Taipei 300 km away and there have since been several aftershocks.

A 7.6 magnitude quake in central Taiwan in 1999 killed more than 2,300 people. Taiwan lies near the junction of two tectonic plates and often sees tremors.