Google and Microsoft agree to lawsuit truce

Microsoft and Google have agreed to end a five-year battle over patents. Eighteen lawsuits had been active between the companies, relating to uses of technologies in mobile phones, wifi and other areas.

Details of the deal were not shared, but in a joint statement the firms said they would "collaborate on certain patent matters". It is the latest move by technology firms to keep patent rows out of the courts.

The battles, particularly over software, intensified in recent years as firms sought to capitalize on their patent portfolios. But of late there has been a shift towards licensing rather than litigation.

In a brief, joint statement, the companies said: "Microsoft and Google are pleased to announce an agreement on patent issues."As part of the agreement, the companies will dismiss all pending patent infringement litigation between them, including cases related to Motorola Mobility.

"Separately, Google and Microsoft have agreed to collaborate on certain patent matters and anticipate working together in other areas in the future to benefit our customers."

While the deal ends this round of lawsuits, it is no guarantee Microsoft and Google would not clash in the future, a Microsoft spokeswoman states.

The limited truce follows a similar deal between Samsung and Apple who choose to drop their patent disputes last year. Source: RSS