Chinese Share Price took a Rise

Beijing, Sep 22. Share Price of Chinese Stock goes up in Asian market on Monday. Shanghai Composite has increased by 1.9% reaching 3156.54 points. As a result of weak global economic growth, share price of other nation in this area has fallen down.

 Chinese Shares took a hike despite of the decision taken by Federal Reserve, American Central Bank to keep the weekly interest rate unchanged. Due to the sluggish economic growth in China, Federal Reserve had decided not to increase the weekly interest rate.

Improvement in share price of the company with low capital is seen. It has helped to recover the recent loss. Though, the index of Hongkong Hangseng has decrease by 0.8% and has reached 21756.93 points.  'Fed's depressing press conference shows that FED is taking the decreasing trend of global economy more seriously', stated Evan Lucas market strategist of the FED Bank.

Because of the public holiday in Japan, only the limited amounts of transactions were recorded. Meanwhile, Australian Benchmark S&P/ASX 200 falls by 2% to reach 5066.2. It was the highest downfall in this region. KOSPI of South Korea also recorded declining index by 6% with 1964.68 points which dropped by 6% than the previous transaction period.