Eurozone to resume talks on reforms

Brussel,July-12 Eurozone finance ministers are due to resume crunch talks in Brussels on a bailout deal for Greece.

Nine hours of talks on Saturday ended without agreement and Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem described negotiations as "very difficult".

Ministers have expressed scepticism that Athens would implement austerity measures it has proposed.

They have little time to produce a working plan ready for European leaders who meet in Brussels later on Sunday.

"We have had an in-depth discussion of the Greek proposals, the issue of credibility and trust was discussed and also of course financial issues involved, but we haven't concluded our discussions," Mr Dijsselbloem, who heads the Eurogroup of finance ministers, told reporters as the earlier round of talks broke up.

"It is still very difficult but work is in progress."

Talks are due to resume at 09:00 GMT.
