89 European politicians and military leaders banned from Russia

Moscow, May 30 – Russia has imposed an entry ban on 89 European politicians and military leaders, in a move that has angered Europe and worsened the country’s standoff with the west over the Ukraine conflict.

The list, which includes former deputy prime minister Nick Clegg and former defense secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind, was reportedly compiled by the Russian foreign ministry and handed to an EU delegation in Moscow this week.

It is a sign of Russia’s deteriorating relations with the west after more than 6,200 people have been killed in fighting between Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian separatists.

Russia continues to dismiss accusations from Ukraine, Nato and western powers that it is supporting the separatists with arms and its own troops.

Since Russia annexed Crimea in March 2014, the EU has imposed economic sanctions, visa bans and asset freezes on scores of Russian and Ukrainian citizens and organisations.

A spokesperson for EU foreign affairs said in recent months Russia had denied entry to a number of EU politicians, based on their inclusion on a “confidential stop list”.

“We take note that the Russian authorities have decided to share the list. We don’t have any other information on legal basis, criteria and process,” the spokesperson said.

Asked about the list while on a visit to Ukraine, the German foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, said it would hamper peace efforts. “At a time in which we are trying to defuse a persistent and dangerous conflict, this does not contribute towards that,” Steinmeier said.

Swedish MEP Anna Maria Corazza Bildt was among eight Swedes on the list.

The politician, who is married to former Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt, tweeted: “Being on this list does not change my commitment to the people of Ukraine.”

Former Czech foreign minister Karel Schwarzenberg, another vocal critic of Russia’s policy towards Ukraine, welcomed his inclusion on the list.

“When I saw the other names, I found out I was in a very decent club. I consider this a reward,” he said.

The Russian foreign ministry was not immediately available for comment.

Source: Theguardian.com