Jajarkot has not a single computer

Jajarkot, Jan 12 – Computer education in community or government schools in Jajarkot is taking place without a computer and with teachers who are not versed in computer education.


The situation is a result of the government´s failure to manage the necessary infrastructure before introducing computer education in school. Computer education was included in the curriculum from Grade 6 since last year.


"We do not have a computer in the school and neither teachers who know how to teach about a computer", laments Head teacher of Kalika Lower Secondary School, Tilak Bahadur Thapa.


Many schools are skipping the subject even though it has been included in the daily routine.


Sabita Oli, a student of Tribhuvan Lower Secondary School in Risang is reading about computers in her class but has never seen one so far. "Our teacher explains to us about the computer but we have yet to see one actually", says Sabita.


There are presently 7,000 odd students in Grade 6 in Jajarkot. And they will soon be attending an exam on computer education.


"Our students have not seen a computer, neither we have been able to teach them about it. So we are wondering how to take an exam on the subject", says Kalika Shah, a teacher at Bageswari Lower Secondary School in Pipe.


Meanwhile, District Education Officer Gariman Thapa says his office is going to organize an orientation for teachers on computer education within a month.


He however said that the problem is also due to lack of power supply in almost all the schools in the district.


"Since this is the beginning there seems to be a problem, but it will be addressed gradually", adds Thapa.