Girl set ablaze for resisting rape in UP

Lucknow, Nov 15 – A student of class 11 was set on fire for resisting rape in Uttar Pradesh's Pratapgarh district on Thursday.


The girl suffered 95% burns and is battling for life in a hospital. The accused is her next door neighbour and has gone missing.


The girl was at her house along with her two younger brothers at the time. Their parents work in Delhi.


The incident was reported from Teena Village in Pratapgarh. The girl in her statement to a news channel said the accused barged in her home and tried to violate her. When she resisted, he doused her in kerosene and set her ablaze before fleeing.


Her brothers raised an alarm after which locals rushed in and took the girl to the district hospital. But they left her there alone with her brothers aged six and 10.


The survivor alleged that the accused had tried to molest her in the past as well after which she had told her parents and they told the parents of the accused. Since then the accused started making anonymous calls to the girl's relatives.


Source: TOI