Bombs kill 86 in Baghdad and 263 wounded

Baghdad, August 29 – A series of car bombings and other attacks across Baghdad on Wednesday killed 86 people and wounded 263, police and medical sources said, extending the worst wave of sectarian bloodshed in Iraq for at least five years.


It was not immediately clear who carried out the attacks, which appeared coordinated, but Sunni Muslim insurgents including the al Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq have significantly stepped up bombings this year.


More than two years of civil war in neighboring Syria have aggravated deep-rooted sectarian divisions in Iraq, fraying the country's uneasy coalition of Shi'ite Muslim, Sunni Muslim and Kurdish factions.


In Sadr City, an impoverished Shi'ite district in Baghdad's northeast, two car bombs killed seven people. A restaurant owner said he saw an attacker just before one of the explosions.


"A man parked his car in front of the restaurant. He got breakfast and drank his tea. (Then) I heard a huge explosion when I was inside the kitchen," the owner, who requested anonymity, told Reuters.


"When I went outside, I saw his car completely destroyed and he had disappeared. Many people were hurt."


Car bombs hit south, north and western Baghdad in a cluster of attacks early in the day and late in the evening which targeted both Shi'ite and Sunni areas of the capital.


The Interior Ministry described the attacks as "terrorist explosions" but said the number of people killed was only 20, with 213 wounded. The Shi'ite-led Baghdad government has said that media reports exaggerate attacks in Iraq and that security forces have stopped many attempted bombings.


However, Wednesday's violence was worst since August 10, when nearly 80 people were killed during a religious holiday.