CCTV catches teen thrashing Sikh man

UK, August 19 – Closed circuit television ( CCTV) in the British city of Coventry has captured shocking footage of a teenaged girl attacking an 80-yearold Sikh man. The footage shows the pony-tailed girl, accompanied by three young men, kicking and knocking down the elderly person, who reportedly hails from the Canley neighbourhood of the city.


According to the Coventry Telegraph, the incident took place on Trinity Street around 8.30 pm on August 10, in full view of passers-by with nobody intervening . According to the report , the girl also spat on the victim and verbally abused him. Only one person came out to help, that too after the girl and her companions had left the scene.


Police in that city are treating the incident as malicious wounding, a crime that carries a maximum prison sentence of five years, but were yet to make an arrest till Friday.