3 Chinese Astronauts back to earth successfuly

China, June 26 – A Chinese space capsule carrying three astronauts have returned safely to Earth on Tuesday. It is the  longest manned space mission in the nation's history. Thry have landed to earth after completion of 15 days mission outside the earth.


The spacecraft landed in northern China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, where the local time was 8:08 a.m. on Wednesday.


The Shenzhou-10 is China's fifth manned space mission and came 10 years after China first sent an astronaut into space.


According to BBC news, mission commander Nie Haisheng was the first to exit the capsule at 09:31 (01:31 GMT), followed by colleagues Wang Yaping and Zhang Xiaoguang.


During their time aboard Tiangong 1, Nie Haisheng, Wang Yaping (the second Chinese woman to fly in space) and Zhang Xiaoguang performed a variety of experiments, beamed a microgravity science lesson down to 330 schoolkids and chatted with President Xi Jinping.

