Ban Ki-moon in a trip to Congo

Geneva, May 23 – UN chief Ban Ki-moon has begun a trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo as fighting continues near the eastern city of Goma.


Mr Ban said he was deeply concerned by the renewed fighting and said the world community would stand with Congo.


In the latest violence, rebels fired two rockets at Goma killing one person and wounding four, officials said.


Earlier, the World Bank unveiled a $1bn (£660m) aid package to help DR Congo and its neighbours.


World Bank head Jim Yong Kim, who is also visiting Congo, said the money would be used for health, education, cross-border trade and hydroelectricity projects.


Announcing the aid package, Jim Yong Kim said the new funding could be "a major contributor to a lasting peace."


The package is to support a peace deal signed in February between DR Congo and its neighbours, some of whom are accused of backing the rebels. BBC