Native south girl developed touch free phone

Panaji, May 22 – Native of South Goa's Velim, Andrea Colaco has developed touch-free phone technology . Goa Girls's this creation is set to make touch screen technology passe and would allow users to interact with their devices through thin air.

Andrea is a recipient of the Goa scholars award 2010 and has a masters degree in media technology from MIT in 2010, after completing her undergraduate degree programme in electrical and electronics engineering from BITS, Pilani in 2007.


She has also won the MIT $100K entrepreneurship competition for her innovation earlier this month, which provides real-time, millimetre accurate 3D gesture sensing on devices like mobile phones.


The innovation was presented at the competition as '3dim' solution, set up by Andrea with co-founder Ahmed Kirmani. It achieves high-quality 3D sensing by employing patented signal processing methods invented at MIT by the co-founders.


Andera has also informed to develop the technology for customers-smart-device manufacturers-who have already expressed interest in the product.


The Goan's business idea made the most financial sense for the panel of entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, scientists and industry professionals judging the eight finalists of the over 3,000 participants.


As per Andrea her prototype only demands a few milliwatts of additional power from the phone-about one-seventh of the amount used by a standard smartphone camera.