Syrian PM survived in Car Bomb Attack

Syria, April 29 –   Wael al-Halqi, Syrian Prime Minister has survived a car bomb attack in the capital. It is unclear whether the blast was a suicide bombing or a planted device. The blast in western Mazzeh district targeted Mr Halqi's convoy. There are reported to be a number of casualties.  


Mr Halqi's bodyguard had been killed, AFP news agency reported.. State television has carried a brief interview with Mr Halqi, saying that it was filmed after the attack. He appears assured but somewhat shaken in the interview, in which he talks about a meeting he has just attended on the economy.


An unnamed Syrian official said the explosion was caused by a bomb placed underneath a parked car in the area, the Associated Press news agency reported.


Syrian forces and rebels have been fighting around Damascus for months but with neither side gaining the upper hand.


The attack is the latest bombing inside government-controlled areas of the capital.