WB, IMF call for global efforts to end extreme poverty

Washington, April 21 –  The World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Saturday called for global efforts to end extreme poverty by 2030 and enhance prosperity sharing in different countries.


World Bank President Jim Yong Kim told reporters at a closing news conference that setting a goal of eliminating extreme poverty was, in his words, "an historic moment" for the world.


Acheving this goal will require overcoming institutional and governance challenges, and investing in infrastructure and in agricultural productivity, bank said.


"We are no longer dreaming of a world free of poverty. We have set an expiration date for extreme poverty. With commitment, cooperation, and the vision of leaders from around the world, we have great faith that we can make it happen," World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said at a press conference after the meeting.


According to Kim they will bring the urgency of the task to the world every year by reporting on our progress, country by country, on the rate of extreme poverty around the world as well as the changes in the income of the bottom 40 percent in each country, the people who are vulnerable to slipping back into poverty in the event of losing a job or suffering a health crisis.