The Richest Oscar Winners of All Time

Seth MacFarlane will entertain millions of people around the world as the host of the 85th annual Academy Awards. Winning an Oscar is every entertainer's penultimate dream come true. Every year The Academy hands out Oscars to Hollywood's finest actors, writers, directors, singers, producers and everything in between. These same entertainers also happen to be some of the wealthiest and highest paid people on the planet. People have spent decades making tons of money and reaching the highest levels of success, but without an Oscar still feel like a failure. So who are the richest Oscar winners of all time?
20: Phil Collins – Net Worth $250 Million
19 : Prince – Net Worth $250 Million (Best Original Song Score "Purple Rain")
18: Sean Connery – Net Worth $300 Million
17: Cher – Net Worth $305 Million
16: Quincy Jones – Net Worth $310 Million
15: Peter Jackson – Net Worth $315 Million
14: Elton John – Net Worth $320 Million
13: Barbra Streisand – Net Worth $340 Million
12: Tom Hanks – Net Worth $350 Million
11: Clint Eastwood – Net Worth $375 Million
10: Jack Nicholson – Net Worth $400 Million
9: Mel Gibson – Net Worth $425 Million
8: James L. Brooks – Net Worth $500 Million
7: Elizabeth Taylor – Net Worth $600 Million
6: James Cameron – Net Worth $650 Million
5: Paul McCartney Net Worth $780 Million
4: Andrew Lloyd Webber – Net Worth $1.2 Billion
3: Oprah Winfrey – Net Worth $2.7 Billion
2: Steven Spielberg – Net Worth $3 Billion
1: Walt Disney – Net Worth $5 Billion

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