Rasuwa Customs collects Rs 585.5 million in fine from traders

RASUWA, JUNE 21: The customs office here has raised Rs 585.5 million in fines from traders who tried to evade customs duty by reporting less than the actual quantity of goods imported from China. Chief Customs Officer Ram Prasad Pathak said this amount was collected in fines over the last 11 months of the current fiscal year.

According to him, goods worth Rs 59 billion, 787 million, and 500 thousand have been imported from China, and goods worth Rs 1 billion, 847 million, and 600 thousand have been exported to China through Rasuwa customs from July 17, 2023, to June 14, 2024, in the current Fiscal Year 2023/24.

Customs Officer Pathak said the revenue collection has increased by 165 percent compared to the annual target. Rs 19 billion, 172 million, and 100 thousand have been collected as revenue during that period.