Chirkhwa Hydropower not to offer dividend to shareholders

KATHMANDU, JUNE 10 : Chirkhwa Hydropower Limited has decided not to distribute dividend to its shareholders from the profits made last year. The board meeting of the company held yesterday came up with such a decision. Similarly, it agreed to convene the fifth annual general meeting (AGM) on July 7.

The AGM is expected to see a selection of two board directors from the group of general shareholders since it is taking place after the issuance of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). Also,  the annual report and annual financial statement of the company will be approved folowing the conduct of neccesary discussion.  Likewise, a special proposal will be floated in the meet to change the company’s contact address and amend the memorandum and articles of association.

According to the company, for the AGM, the book closure date is set on June 26.