Chinese Embassy in Nepal Announces Visa Fee Exemption for Nepali Citizens

Kathmandu, 28 April. The Chinese Embassy in Nepal has announced that Nepali citizens will no longer need to pay visa fees to visit China. This exemption starts on May 1, 2024 and applies to standard visas only. Express and service fees will still apply.

The embassy says this new policy is designed to improve relations between China and Nepal by making it easier for people from both countries to travel back and forth. This is expected to boost tourism and cultural exchange.

It’s important to note that this exemption only applies to new visa applications submitted after May 1st. Applications submitted before that date will still be charged the old fee. Also, diplomatic, official, and courtesy visas are not covered by this exemption and should still be applied for by email.

Overall, this is good news for Nepali citizens who want to visit China. It should make travel between the two countries more affordable and easier.