Panchakanya Steel introduces 500 XD and 550 XD Rebars.

Kathmandu, June 12. The prime steel has a purer chemical blend with low Carbon, Sulphur, and Phosphorous giving it higher ductility to withstand load, guaranteeing uniform strength of 500 D grade and it has a consistent weight per meter making it the best rebar for earthquake-prone areas and have longer structural life.

The new rib design has increased transverse ribs making it a superior reinforcement rebar with increased bond strength with concrete. Panchakanya 500 XD is applicable to all types of infrastructures and the 550 XD are more suitable for high-rise and large scale projects to reduce cost when using high strength rebars.

The Extra Ductile rebars will be available from 8mm to 40mm. Panckanaya XD range will be of higher quality with no increase in price from its previous 500 grade.