Sanima Bank: Now at Chandra Rautahat

Kathmandu,Oct 1 . Sanima Bank Limited has formally inaugurated its 83rd branch on September 30, 2O2O at Chandrapur, Rautahat. Sanima Bank’s Chand.apur Branch was inaugurated by the Mayor of Chandrapur municlpality Mr Ramchandra Chaudhari amidst a ceremony.

Mayor Mr Ramchandaa Chaudhari expressed his gratiude to Santma Bank for managing all required protective measures of Covid-19 at branch and requested to continue the proteclive measures while providing banking services in future days too.

With operation of Chandrapur branch, bank believes that peopte around the tocality will be benefited from the accessible quality banktng services. Sanima Bank is providing banking service through 83 branches, 15 extension counters and 81 ATN4 terminals.