Toyota Women’s Motor Rally 2024 to be held on April 20

KATHMANDU, APRIL 11: United Traders Syndicate (UTS), the authorised distributor of the Toyota brand of four-wheelers, is set to hold “Toyota Women’s Motor Rally 2024” on April 20. It aims to celebrate and empower women in the automotive industry while promoting the spirit of adventure and camaraderie.

“Established in 2004, this rally has been a beacon of empowerment, breaking stereotypes, and inspiring women across Nepal, states the company.  The UTS has invited women from all walks of life to register and join in this journey.

“The participants will have the opportunity to showcase their driving skills in any vehicle by moving around various major parts of Kathmandu. Similarly, they can win “attractive” prizes by being declared winners on the basis of the criteria related to Time, Distance and Speed,” informs the company.